Monday, January 26, 2015

Art Challenge: Day Two - Mirror Dance; Faces No. 489, and Throwback

By Jack Brummet

I was nominated by Cathie Joy Young for the 5 day art challenge to publish 3 works a day for 5 days, and name 5 other artists to do so as well.
My nomination for day two is Kathleen Hayden. . Here is my *day two* Mirror Dance; Throwback; and Faces No. 489. 

Mirror Dance is a fast scribble drawing.  

Faces No. 489 is drawn on the back of a large old sign (roughly three feet by two feet.

Throwback is drawn on 
a big chunk of Masonite cut in an oval (an old sign is on the other side) - it's about 3 x 2 feet. This one is kind of an inside joke. The myth is is that most abducted people are not acceptable to The Greys. They return them to earth; they are throwbacks. These are the people who claim to experience lost time where they cannot account for their while it looks like an abduction, they are just lowering a throwback back to earth.


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