Sunday, July 29, 2012

"I have not talked with one person who will vote for Mitt Romney because he's Mitt Romney."

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

This is an excellent article by Paul Constant, articulating many of the feelings about Mitt Romney that I haven't been able to put into words; or at least the right words.  Read the full article in Seattle's The Stranger here.  A couple of nuggets from the article:

"I have looked far and wide, halfway across this country and back, and I have not found a human being who is genuinely fond of Romney and believes that, based on the strength of his character, he would make a great president. I'm not talking about an anti-Obama Republican; there are plenty of people who will vote for Romney because he's not Barack Obama. But I have not talked with one person who will vote for Mitt Romney because he's Mitt Romney."
"Democrats on Twitter are happily recycling a witty argument of unknown provenance that says when John McCain's inner circle was looking for a vice president, Romney's people turned over 23 years of tax returns for their perusal and, after looking over Romney's taxes, the McCain people thought that Sarah Palin was a wiser VP choice." 

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