Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Public Policy Polling results show Mitt Romney less popular than George W. Bush

By Pablo Fanque, National Affairs Editor

new survey from Public Policy Polling shows that Ex-Governor Mitt Romney is viewed favorably by 33 percent of voters, with nearly double that number58%viewing him unfavorably.  Ex-President George W. Bush, who reached Nixon-style lows while in The White House,  fared far better in the same poll45% favorable and 46% unfavorable.  As Public Policy Polling wrote, "The former president has seen something of a rehabilitation in his image since he left office and memories of his administration have begun to fade, but for him to be stronger than Romney among independent voters just a few years after an economic meltdown and disaster in Iraq is striking. "

This poll also seems to put the lie to Romney's oft repeated claim of electability and inevitability: "Romney is actually not the most electable Republican candidate on this poll. Ron Paul and Rick Santorum both do a point better than him, trailing by 3 points at 46-43 and 48-45 respectively."


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