Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Seattle Black Panthers, armed on the Capitol Steps circa 1969

[click to enlarge photograph - courtesy of the Wash. State Digital Archives]

In this photo (courtesy of the Washington State Digital Archives), you see armed members of the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party on the steps of the Legislative Building.

The Seattle Black Panthers, led by Elmer Dixon gathered on the steps of the Capitol in Olympia in February 1969 to protest a bill that would make it a crime to exhibit firearms “in a manner manifesting an intent to intimidate others.”

No one was arrested, apparently there were no confrontations, and they left under their own power when they were finished. It kind of makes you wonder what would happen if someone did this today, forty years later. I get the feeling it might not have turned out so well. . .I mean, you can hardly even build a mosque these days. . .

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