Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Senator Santorum, With His Pants Down Around His Ankles Again

Senator Rick Santorum took a poll on his website recently, asking people's opinions on Social Security personal accounts. People love the plan, the Senator said. But, he took the results down.

The Senator can't really weasel out of the poll, 'though, since his opponent Chuck Pennacchio cleverly cached a snapshot of the results.

Senator Bob Kerrey, then the Senator from Nebraska, called it a few weeks after Santorum took office:

"Santorum, that's Latin for a**hole."

You can count on this dingbat to be on the wrong side of virtually every issue, and this time is no exception. Recently Santorum said that banning gay marriage would be "the ultimate homeland security." The website Counterpunch detailed

"Even Santorum's staff knows the senator is a vacuous boob prone to outrageous gaffs and crude outbursts of unvarnished bigotry. For years, they kept him firmly leashed, rarely permitting him to attend a press interview without a senior staffer by his side."

Now that The Senator has been elevated to a Republican leadership position, his staff can no longer keep him muzzled; it shows. Keep sounding off Senator!

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